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Guardian Article full article  Click here


Brighton signBrighton
13th Aug 2016
27 & 28th Aug 2016
Outdoor screening in the woods!
Berwick Film Festival
21 – 25th September 2016

Friday 23rd, 7pm

Saturday 24th, 1pm

Click here for more screenings

theguardian Film  by Patrick Barkham  25 May 2016

The Moon and the Sledgehammer:

000006-1 - Copythe cult film about a Sussex family who hid in a forest

In 1969, Philip Trevelyan filmed the beguilingly strange life of the Page family, who lived off-grid and rode steam engines round their wood. The director talks about how the film changed his life


The Moon & the Sledgehammer (65 mins)  1971
LAMBING (25 mins)  1965
Duke of York’s cinema, Brighton at 15:30

Rare big screen opportunity to see Philip Trevelyan’s award winning student film, LAMBING, made in 1965. More info here 

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 Philip Trevelyan

Philip Trevelyan


Duke of York’s cinema    Brighton      Sunday May 29th     4.30 – 6.30   Tickets here  

Duke of York’s

After months of work we have finally reached the first stage in the restoration of the film and are delighted to announce that the UK Premiere will take place fittingly in the grand old Victorian Duke of York’s cinema amid all the fun of the fabulous Brighton Festival, not far from where the Pages lived.
The results of the restoration are just wonderful.  The gloriously refreshed colours have that intensity only achievable from 16mm film.  Colour grading was supervised by Philip Trevelyan himself, who is finally seeing it again in its original  light and colours after many years.  “The film has come alive again,” said Mr Trevelyan.
This event will be an absolute treat for fans of the film and fans of film itself, and a real day of celebration to be viewing the restored copy on the big screen.

We are honoured that Philip Trevelyan will be onstage for a Q&A following the screening.  Film curator Gareth Evans will host.

Our progress in restoration is also progress in preservation.  The future needs Mr Page!  Follow us on our continuing journey to save the film for the future here.

Very Special Guest Star

We are delighted to be graced by the presence of Ellenan Allchin steam engine, built in 1899.  Ellen will be outside the cinema, puffing in full steam glory, celebrating the restoration of the film with us.  Come and see her between 3.30 – 5.30 on Sunday 29th May.
Ellen is one model up from the Allchin seen in the film and is still in original condition.  Huge thanks to Colin Tyson, editor of Old Glory vintage steam magazine for finding her and even supplying the coal, and to owners Ian and Lucie McConachie who have so kindly allowed us all to enjoy Ellen.

Colin Tyson will start the proceedings with a few words about Ellen and local connections to the steam world.  Ellen now resides just a few miles from the Pages’ home.

Ellen from PP

Allchin 7nhp General Purpose Traction Engine No. 1105 Ellen.  Reg. No. FP 1024.

Built 1899, Globe Works, Northampton. Sold new to Story Bros of Barrowden, Rutland, and used in their contracting business – often belted to a saw bench. It was part exchanged back to Allchins for a new engine in 1922. Then re-sold and continued its working life in the eastern counties of England entering preservation in the same area. Sold by Cyril Grice in 1970, it moved to the West Midlands and had a new firebox and other repairs in the following years including a new tender in 1985. Then a move to Buckinghamshire until purchased by the present owners in 2006 with ongoing work being carried out.

Owned by Ian and Lucy McConachie, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, members of Sussex Steam Engine Club.

Sunday, 29th May, 4.30 – 6.30.  Duke of York’s cinema, London Rd, Brighton.  Tickets here

Breaking news:  Click here for News of the Page Family

UK Premiere of restored copy click here

We are delighted to announce that Harvard University will be holding the first ever Philip Trevelyan Retrospective, screening 6 films in a busy event which will include lectures, talks and conversations.  This will launch a U.S. mini-tour  Click here for more about this story.

Film screens at the Lincoln Center’s presigious ART OF THE REAL festival on April 9th   click here

We are equally delighted to confirm that we are very close to striking a new print of THE MOON AND THE SLEDGEHAMMER. Great news for all you film lovers.  The negative will undergo complete restoration.  Most importantly, it guarantees that the film will be preserved for future generations.  Click here or read more in the news item below.